Day three...maybe six...not so sure anymore how many days I've been trapped by the snow, but I'm pretty sure it's a multiple of three.

Wine stores (or supplies) are running low. Tensions with Fiance...running high. Not really but hey I'm going for dramatic effect here dear reader. I doubt in my own success. So we are all (in the Mid-Atlantic) stuck inside during the snow storm of our times. If you bothered reading the 2010 Farmers Almanac, which I did thanks to my two farming uncles (they have shotguns and demand readership of almanac's) then you would have known this winter was suppose to be one of heavy snow fall and wine consumption. I am now starting a petition. It is to encourage every Maryland resident to start and run their cars (AC on) for four hours next Monday just to increase global warming and bitch slap Mother Nature (the only woman I would every hit, thanks to this whiteout) in the face.
Hahaha I'm kidding. I am not advocating violence against women, only violence against fictional entities (fuck Q and athena). I have to say though that if this is what they (hippies and Al Gore) meant by climate change ( which is what they are going to say when we ask) then they have a point, this blows. We need to stop burning fossil fuels and start burning...something else. Preferribly something we have alot of, because it's cold out there folks.
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