Thursday, March 4, 2010

Always check your parachute before you jump = iMove tutorials from Apple

The Army Special Forces always give good advice. Never sit on a grenade, don't look important, the enemy maybe low on ammo, and always plan/check/then re-check your jump (skydiving). The last one is my focus for this blog, in the sense that using tutorials written by the multimedia gurus can save time and frustration when E-publishing. If you don't understand the program well or have never used it, then looking up a brief tutorial is for you. I went to the apple homepage and found all the info I needed on iMovie.
I had never heard of iMovie before today. I don't make short films about my life or about skateboarding accidents, I'm talking to you U-tube. I'm sure most of you have already seen or thought of this but if not then I'm glad to help. Besides I'm tired of blogging about autoimmune diseases and the fun time had by sneezing on strangers at the MVA.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Old tools in a new medium

We should strive to make our website 100% hand crafted. No iamge on it should come from an outside source. Don't search the net for an image that is "you," go out and create that image yourself. Customized graphics and images are true artistry. This means spending time outdoors taking photos and further time indoors working with those photos in the program, Photoshop. While out in he world start building more stories, do something that people would want to read about. As for tools, Indesign is a good program to help with and use in refreshing your sites presentation. I suggest everyone who works in the publishing field learn it. Photo's aren't the only way to go when crafting images. I enjoy drawing, but painting is also a great way to make a one of a kind images for your site. The talent to create images and the talent to craft stories should mold together.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why I like to sneak up on myself, and how I avoid catching myself by surprize.

How to make your website fresh and new, write something entertaining...duh. Another good piece of advice is to start a web comic that makes people laugh. People stick around for the funny, not for the insight. No one cares about insight unless it's from a book that's at least few thousand years old. Web Comic's that are easily accessed everyday and refreshed everyday, that way all those lazy clogs sitting in office cubes can be entertained by pure hilarium at least once a day, bring new readers onto websites. Those new readers might have incentive to look around at your excerpts of writing, if they like your stuff, maybe they will shell out a few coins for it. This is insight I found in a book...that's a few thousand years old.